Концепція кримінальної процесуальної форми в контексті дослідження рішень про об’єднання і виділення матеріалів досудових розслідувань

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Європейські перспективи
Purpose of the study. To obtain scientifi cally substantiated conclusions regarding the legal nature, grounds, conditions and procedure for making decisions on the unifi cation and separation of pre-trial investigation materials in special procedures of criminal proceedings. Research methodology. General scientifi c methods (dialectical, analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special scientifi c methods (system-structural, functional, dogmatic, modeling) were used. Results. The implementation of proceedings in differentiated procedures has led to a number of problems in law enforcement practice regarding the possibility of unifying criminal proceedings materials in differentiated procedures. At the same time, only in some cases does the CPC of Ukraine contain an unambiguous answer regarding the possibility (or impossibility) of such decisions, for example, in the event of an agreement, the relevant materials should be separated into a separate proceeding, and the resolution of the remaining such issues was left to the discretion of law enforcement offi cers and this could not but give rise to contradictory practice, appeals of adopted verdicts, etc. Conclusions. Among scientists, unity has not been achieved in approaches to its further development and solving numerous problems in law enforcem ent activities. We believe that one of the important points is the maximum specifi cation in the legislation of the grounds for combining and separating materials of criminal proceedings, especially in differentiated crim inal proceedings.
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